Sunday, January 08, 2006

Kyle's Top 10 of 2005

Well, 2005 has brought many different films, most of which were much crappier than they were amazing, but oh well. Here are the ones that stand out most to me. Now, my top ten list may not be the most exciting or the most original, but deal with it.
1. King Kong
Now, I know that King Kong is a B-movie disguised with a lot of talent and a huge budget, but I loved it. I felt that Peter Jackson nailed every aspect needed with amazing special effects, poignant moments blended with some of the most entertaining action sequences, and a great cast to boot. Within every scene of this movie, so much work and perfection were put forth to make it as beautiful and amazing as possible. Peter Jackson rules and Naomi Watts did an amazing job acting off of a "pretend" character. Hopefully this movie will boost her already decent career.
2. Mysterious Skin
Although this movie slid under the radar, not being recognized at all during the awards season, I feel that this has got to be one of the most unique and well-done films this year. Joseph Gordon-Levitt truly shows his talent as an actor and is supported by an amazing cast. The script and story of this film are very dark and creative and director Gregg Araki makes this whole viewing experience very challenging and engrossing.
3. Walk the Line
The main reason why this film is on my list is not only because it is very well-crafted in every aspect, but it also has some of the most memorable and amazing performances of the year by Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon. I was not a big fan of the movie Ray, and I feel that Walk the Line truly captures every element that Ray left out. An all around great film!!!
4. Crash
With this film, I feel that Paul Haggis took a controversial idea and turned it into a somewhat melodramatic soap opera of people's intertwining lives. I feel that Crash has a purpose and it truly impacts in all of the right areas. The musical score and flow of the film are close to perfect, and the ensemble cast involved in this film are simply amazing. Special recognition goes to Matt Dillon and Sandra Bullock for their performances. An overall powerful and movie film.
5. In Her Shoes
This film is simply a piece that focuses on the importance of family and the ways in which people can impact and change your life. At first, I was worried about the idea of Cameron Diaz being in this movie, but director Curtis Hanson knew what he was doing when he cast her. Her performance was very honest and vulnerable. Along with her, Toni Collette and Shirley MaClaine were very perfect as well. This was a very simple story but done to perfection.
6. Sin City
With an amazing visual style, top-notch cast, and cool characters, what's not to love about this film? Overall, this film is a hip masterpiece from beginning to finish. Enough said.
7. Batman Begins
Where is Joel Schumacher? Gone, praise the Lord. This movie stands alone from all of the other Batman films by being dark and realistic while containing a great story and script and very notable performances from the entire cast. Christopher Nolan truly knows how to create atmosphere and does so perfectly in this film. If you did not enjoy this film for what it is, then you suck.
8. Brokeback Mountain
With this film, Ang Lee crafted a subtle, yet powerful and moving film that is exploding with emotion and grace. Every actor in this film is amazing, most notable Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams. There is so much honesty and truthfulness within every camera shot of this film, that it is practically impossible not to get sucked in to this world. Great film!!!
9. History of Violence
A cool story, great cast, and David Cronenberg's uniqueness make this film close to perfect. Not much more to say about it other than that it grabbed hold of the viewer and did not let go until the very last frame. Awesome movie! I love Maria Bello!!!
10. Memoirs of a Geisha
The reason that this film is on my top ten list is not because of the story which is not perfect by any means, but due to beautiful direction by Rob Marshall who manages to capture every color and every mood, and also due to stellar performances from a diverse cast of people. Not perfect, but very enjoyable and exremely elegant.

Top Ten of 2005 by Aliye's Abercrombie and Fitch Sidekick, KYLE